Toro and Kuro Interview the Creator of Shadow of the Colossus


Toro and Kuro, of Japanese fame, recently caught up with Shadow of the Colossus and ICO director and lead designer, Fumito Ueda. The two characters talk with Ueda about his humble beginnings, his future projects, and even how Team ICO got the name, ICO.

At the beginning of the interview, Toro and Kuro show us some of Ueda’s history, such as his start at Warp on Enemy Zero, and then his decision to join SCE in 1997, which allowed him to work on ICO and Shadow of the Colossus.

They then ask Ueda how he starts designing a videogame. He said it usually has something to do with an image video, which he explains is a video that shows a final image of the game. Ueda then shares that he tries to make his games look completely different than any other titles on the market, as his goal is to help his titles stand out.

Moving on, Kuro asks Ueda to share the meaning behind ICO. “ICO’s title comes from ICON,” Ueda simply replied. He then elaborates on Shadow of the Colossus’ early development, which was originally an online game. In the end though, due to the network environment and the specialties of his team, Shadow of the Colossus become an offline only title.

And finally, Kuro and Toro ask about Ueda’s upcoming project (for which you can see screenshots here, and the trailer here). Though, Ueda says only the following: that the project is in production, it’s a PS3 title, and that it may be announced “very soon”.

To read the full interview, you can go click here.
