FFXIII Release Date and Price Announced


Square Enix is making good on their promise of releasing Final Fantasy XIII this holiday season in Japan, with a solid release date and price point for the highly anticipated RPG. This epic title has been covered by the media for over four years, and it’ll be interesting to see whether or not it can live up to the fervent excitement built up by fans during that time frame.

Final Fantasy XIII will be released on December 17, 2009 for 9,240 yen ($100). And don’t worry about the price. Most games released in Japan sell for approximately 9,000 yen. The stateside release will still be our equivalent of $60. The game is still on track for a Spring (i.e. April to June) 2010 release on the Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms in Europe and North America.


Thanks Karissa for the tip!