Singularity – Trophy Guide

Singularity is Raven Software’s twist on the FPS genre that features time altering abilities and a cast of ghoulish mutants. Singularity’s trophy list consists of 51 trophies total: 35 bronze, 15 silver, 1 gold, and the Platinum trophy.

Platinum Singularity (Platinum) – You collected all the trophies for Singularity.

– Collect all 50 trophies to unlock.

Pistol Whipped (Bronze) – 20 Centurion kills in single player campaign.

– The Centurion is the pistol and is the first gun you get in the game. Any enemies you kill will count, but the solders are a lot easier to kill with it then the mutants. Simply kill 20 of them.

A Salt and Battery (Bronze) – 40 AR9 Valkyrie kills in single player campaign.

– The AR9 Valkyrie is the machine gun. This trophy should be no problem since you will probably be using this one the most. Just kill 40 enemies.

Double Barrel (Bronze) – 30 Volk S4 kills in single player campaign.

– The Volk S4 is the shotgun. This should also be an easy trophy since other then the Valkyrie this will probably be used the most. Kill 30 enemies.

The Slower the Better (Bronze) – 25 Kasimov SNV-E99 slo-mo kills in single player campaign.

– The Kasimov SNV is the sniper rifle. When you press in on the left stick (L3) you go into slo-mo mode. Just get 25 kills in this mode.

You’re a Hit (Bronze) – 20 Spikeshot kills in single player campaign.

– This is your standard spike gun. The good thing with this gun is it explodes after it hits an enemy, so if you shoot into a crowd you will get more kills, and then you can get this trophy a lot quicker

Roller Derby (Bronze) – 20 Dethex Launcher kills in single player campaign.

– This gun is a little different. Once fired a ball will land on the ground. While holding L1 you can roll it around to kill enemies. Try and roll it into a group to get this trophy quicker.

Drive By (Bronze) – 15 Seeker kills in single player campaign.

– The Seeker is only used a few times in the game, but it is there enough to not have an issue with getting this trophy. Just kill 15 enemies whether that be from steering the bullets or simply shooting them point blank.

Return to Sender (Bronze) – Kill 5 enemies by grabbing rockets and launching them back in single player campaign.

– The first new power you get for your TMD is Gravity the ability to pick up objects. This also lets you grab rockets. Simply stop five and throw them back at the shooter.

Put the Dead in Deadlock (Bronze) – Kill 10 enemies inside a Deadlock in single player campaign.

– Another power you get for your TMD is Deadlock. This gives you the ability to create a ball of energy and when fired create an orb that slows done everything inside of it. Kill 10 enemies inside these orbs.

Up Close and Personal (Bronze) – Kill 20 enemies with Impulse in single player campaign.

– Impulse becomes your basic melee attack once you get the TMD. When you get close to an enemy hit R2 to kill and enemy. This is best used on solders since it kills them in one shot. Kill 20 of them.

Fire and Ice (Bronze) – Kill 10 enemies with Propane Tanks or Cryo Tanks in single player campaign.

– This can be done either by shooting the tanks near enemies or using the Gravity TMD effect and picking up and throwing them at enemies. Just get 10 kills this way.

Time Bandit (Bronze) – Grab 5 Shields from enemies in single player campaign.

– Occasionally enemies will come equipped with a shield. Simply steal five different enemies shields with the Gravity TMD upgrade.

Ashes to Ashes (Bronze) – Age 15 soldiers to Dust in single player campaign.

– The initial power of the TMD is to age objects either forward or backwards in time. Simply age 15 solders to dust.

Night of the Living Revert (Bronze) – Turn 15 soldiers in Reverts in single player campaign.

– The ability to turn solders in to Reverts is one of the last TMD upgrades you will get. Simply turn 15 solders into Reverts.

Fully Armed (Bronze) – Fully Upgraded 1 Weapon in single player campaign.

– You can upgrade any weapon at a weapons locker. You need weapon tech in order to upgrade. Each aspect (reload speed, damage and fire rate) can be upgraded twice. You will need a total of nine weapon techs to fully upgrade one weapon.

E99 Tech Geek (Bronze) – Purchased 10 different Hero Upgrades in single player campaign.

– The hero upgrades can be upgraded at any Augmenter. These only cost E99 to upgrade, but you will need to find blueprints scattered throughout the levels in order to unlock them.

Time’s on My Side (Bronze) – Purchased 5 different TMD Equipment items in single player campaign.

– Like the “E99 Tech Geek” you can purchase these from Augmenter’s. You will also need to find blueprints scattered around the level.

Pen Pal (Bronze) – Used the TMD to find 15 Chronic-Notes in single player campaign.

– Scattered throughout the world are cryptic notes written on walls. Sometimes they are hard to see since they are all but faded away. Use your TMD power to reverse time to read them. Just do this to 15 of them.

Stay After Class (Bronze) – Used the TMD to revert 10 Chalkboards in single player campaign.

– Just like “Pen Pal” you will find the broken chalkboards scattered throughout each level. Simply reverse time on 10 of these.

That Wheel? (Bronze) – Found the wheel. Will they ever explain this?

– Fans of the TV series Lost, the “Frozen Donkey Wheel” from the end of season 4 makes an appearance in the last level of the game. Check out the video below to see the location.


Mother My Brain Hurts (Bronze) – Discovered the strange E99 specimen and what it morphs people into.

– This time it is a Metroid easter egg hidden deep within the hold of the Pearl. Watch the video below.

Note: Even though the video shows the 360 version its still the same on the PS3.


Extermination Expert (Bronze) – Play 5 public matches of Extermination.

– Extermination is one of the two online modes. Just play five matches.

CvS Master (Bronze) – Win 25 public matches of Creatures vs. Soldiers.

– Creatures vs. Soldiers is the other online mode. You will need to win 25 of these.

Creature Hater (Bronze) – Renew 25 beacons in Extermination (public match).

– Every round of extermination has three beacons. As a solders you need to restore 25 of these to full strength.

Creature Lover (Bronze) – Kill 15 soldiers with each creature (public match).

– There are four different type’s of creatures to choose. Just get 15 kills with each.

Fastball (Bronze) – Kill 15 soldiers with a Zek barrel (public match).

– One of the Zek’s special abilities is to conjure up a barrel out of thin air by pressing R1. Do this and kill 15 solders by throwing it with R1.

Zekky Style (Bronze) – Kill 15 soldiers from behind with the Zek (public match).

– When playing as the Zek you can use the phase walk by pressing R2. This will turn you mostly invisible then run up and melee a solders. Using the phase walk is not necessary for this trophy, but it makes it a lot easier.

Hot Lunch Special (Bronze) – Kill 25 soldiers with the Revery puke (public match).

– One of the Revery’s special attack is to puke on enemies. Do this by holding R1. Do this and kill 25 solders.

Bombs over Katorga (Bronze) – Kill 25 soldiers with the Radion’s Iob attack (public match).

– The Iob is one of the Radion’s main attack. It is an extremely powerful laser blast and can kill enemies from long distant. Kill 25 solders with this attack.

Talk to the Hand (Bronze) – Kill 25 creatures with the Bruiser’s Impulse Power (public match).

– While playing as the bruiser when you press R2 you use your TMD Impulse blast. Now this is not a particularly strong blast and other then the Phase Tick most enemies will need to be low on life in order for this to kill them.

Dr. Time (Bronze) – Use the Healer’s power to restore 25 soldiers to full health (public match).

– The Healer can heal injured solders by targeting them and pressing R2. Fully restore 25 solders health.

Don’t Touch Me! (Bronze) – Kill 15 creatures with the Lurker’s reflective shield damage from a melee hit (public match).

– While playing as the Lurker you can pull up a shield by pressing R2. When this is active any melee damage done to you will instead hurt your enemies. This will only last for a few seconds so timing is everything.

Blitzkrieg (Bronze) – Travel 585 meters using the Blitzer’s Teleport power (public match).

– The Blitzer can teleport by pressing R2. He does not teleport all that far so this trophy may take some time. Simple teleport as often as possible until you get this trophy.

Killer (Bronze) – Get highest number of kills in a public match.

– This is pretty straight forward just have the most kills at the end of a match. You must have the most kills on both your team and your opponent.

No Time to Bleed (Silver) – 15 Autocannon kills without reloading in single player campaign.

– This one can be a little hard since you only have 100 bullets before you need to reload, and trying to kill enemies from far away will cause you to miss quite often. Try and get this when your in a more confine space with a lot of enemies. Some of the best areas are on the Rail line or Central Docks.

Revert Bomber (Silver) – Killed 10 enemies by aging a Revert and having it explode near them in single player campaign.

– Again this is another rather difficult one. Unlike solders when you hit the Revert’s with the TMD they turn into a ticking time bomb. Do this when they are near solders so they go in to attack. Once there engaged shoot them to make them explode hopefully killing the solders.

Extermination Addict (Silver) – Play 100 public matches of Extermination.

– This is pretty straight forward just play 100 matches in the Extermination mode.

Extermination Master (Silver) – Win 25 public matches of Extermination.

– Just be on the winning side 25 times while playing extermination mode.

In Yo Face (Silver) – Possess 15 soldiers with tick leap attack (public match).

– As the tick you can posses solders. Simply get close and press L1 to leap at your enemy. Be careful, because the tick’s are very weak and it can be hard to get close.

The VP Treatment (Silver) – Possess a soldier, then shoot another soldier in the face (public match).

– Once you posses a solder with the tick you take control of that soldier. Once in control shoot another solder.

Time Master (Gold)  – Completed Singularity on Hard Mode.

-Complete the game on hard.

Workers’ District (Silver) – Completed the Workers’ District Mission.

– Complete the first stage on any difficulty (Story mission can’t miss)

Research Facility (Silver) – Completed the Research Facility Mission.

– Complete the second stage on any difficulty (Story mission can’t miss)

Rail Line (Silver) – Completed the Rail Line Mission.

– Complete the third stage on any difficulty (Story mission can’t miss)

Central Docks (Silver) – Completed the Central Docks Mission

– Complete the forth stage on any difficulty (Story mission can’t miss)

E99 Processing Complex (Silver) – Completed the E99 Processing Complex Mission

– Complete the fifth stage on any difficulty (Story mission can’t miss)

Singularity (Silver) – Completed Singularity

– Complete the game on any difficulty (Story mission can’t miss)

NOTE: The three trophies below may spoil the end of the game.

The Good of the Many (Silver) – You sacrificed yourself to stop Demichev.

– At the end of the game you get to choose who to shoot. Shoot Demichev you then you will be sent back to 1955 and will have to shoot yourself before you escape the burning building.

Note: If you happen to kill both or just Barisov you can replay the final choice by simply continuing the game once you get back to the main menu. You will start out right before you have to take the E99 bomb back to 1955.

The Needs of the Few (Silver) – You chose to live and join Demichev.

– At the end of the game you get to choose who to shoot. Shoot Barisov that will trigger a new cutscene.

Note: If you happen to kill both or just Demichev you can replay the final choice by simply continuing the game once you get back to the main menu. You will start out right before you have to take the E99 bomb back to 1955.

One TMD to Rule Them All (Silver) – You chose to live and rule the world alone.

– At the end of the game you get to choose who to shoot. Shoot both Barisov and  Demichev that will trigger a new cutscene.

Note: If you happen to just Barisov or Demichev you can replay the final choice by simply continuing the game once you get back to the main menu. You will start out right before you have to take the E99 bomb back to 1955.