Zombies Might Be Swarming Black Ops Later this Year

Treyarch’s Call of Duty: World at War is in memory one of the greatest cooperative games in recent years with it’s famous Nazi Zombies mode. Rumors have been floating around that the mode may return in the upcoming Black Ops. This rumor might become realization based on the latest bit of information that suggests it’s existence.

According to movie database IMDB, Shaun Paul Piccinino is returning as a voice actor for Call of Duty: Black Ops. In 2008, Piccinino was the leading voice actor for the zombies found within the exhilarating Nazi Zombies mode. While it’s an assumption to say that he’s returning as a zombie for Black Ops, it’s a very realistic scenario.

Call of Duty: Black Ops is currently scheduled for a November 9th, 2010 PlayStation 3 release.