Ueda Alludes to a Last Guardian Appearance at TGS

“I feel that all works of imagination need to have some connection with reality”, said Fumito Ueda, Director & Game Designer for The Last Guardian. It’s that type of mentality that has caused Team Ico to create truly engaging and fantastic worlds that fans enjoy being a part of. If you have been waiting for any minute details on The Last Guardian, or any news surrounding the current state of the game, there just might be a surprise in store for us at the Tokyo Game Show.

A bright shining light came from Ueda-san on his twitter feed; he stated that:

We should be able to show something at Tokyo Game Show, so look forward to it

Ueda-san didn’t specifically mention The Last Guardian – but back in February while talking to Famitsu  prior to E3, he stated that Sony hadn’t decided if they wanted the title to appear at E3 or TGS; and at E3 it was a no show. It looks rather likely that Ueda will show something at TGS; particularly because of the statements made by Ron Eagle in his interview with 1UP back in June, where Sony’s Associate Product Manager drew attention to the fact that there are more events than just E3 in which Sony could show The Last Guardian,

Fans expectation for The Last Guardian has been high since the game’s original reveal and the thought of fresh video footage appearing at TGS is exciting. In a behind the scenes look at the title, Ueda-san said of The Last Guardian: “I hope you’re looking forward to it” – We are Ueda-san, the question is: When can we see more of it?
