DISSIDIA 012 Site Goes Live


The 12 battle between Harmony and Chaos is imminent, and Square Enixis making sure you are aware of all the players involved; both from the present and the past.

After having what could be described as a place holder graphic and video on their web page, Square Enix  has launched the full site for DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY (Dissida 012 ). The site is quite ambitious, as it aims to be more than just a launch point for DISSIDIA 012, covering multiple aspects of the Final Fantasy universe .

The full “Closed Theater” trailer is present, details on upcoming downloadable content, as well as a character profile section that gives us history on some key figures: Cain Highwind, Lightning, Warrior of Light and Garland. As side from reading their profiles, alternate costumes are available to view, including an EX version of one of my favorites: The Warrior of Light.

Warrior of Light-EX

Probably the most impressive—or will be when it’s completed—is the Final Fantasy: A Historical Companion section. Only Final Fantasy I is listed now, but once you see what Square Enix is planning (I won’t spoil it), you can’t help but be impressed…as you listen to that classic music from the past.

I’ve only touched the surface of what’s there, have fun and investigate it yourself.

[Official DISSIDIA website]