Early Reports of Audio Issues for Enslaved Surfacing

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West has received a warm welcome by fans. Early reviewers, and those who played the demo, have lauded the game for its cinematic experience and gameplay. It appears that all may not be well in the West–if early reports by users are to be believed.

According to posts by users on the Ninja Theory Forums, there appears to be an audio issue with Enslaved: it won’t consistently playback in 5.1 surround. Users have also reported that this applies to  both the retail copy of the game as well as the demo. Despite troubleshooting and adjusting numerous settings with the audio section of the XMB, the issue still persists.

One of the developers — who goes by the forum handle of Peonic — is asking for more data so that it can be tabulated and investigated. He has assured forum members that “…we will get this investigated!” It’s unknown at this point what  the extent of the issue — or if there truly is one — but at least Ninja Theory is looking into it.