Sony Announces PhyreEngine 3.0, Brings NGP Support

Sony’s free to use, cross platform game engine, PhyreEngine, has led to many high profile PC, PSP and PS3 games, including the critically acclaimed Demon’s Souls and the upcoming thatgamecompany title Journey. With the NGP set to release later this year – at least in Japan – Sony has announced a new engine, PhyreEngine 3.0 for the PS3, PC and NGP.

The PhyreEngine 3.0 has “a new and powerful asset pipeline”, with “a powerful processing tool” to generate optimized assets for each platform. Teiji Yutaka, Senior Vice President, Technology Platform of SCEI announced the engine at GDC:

We’re very happy to see the popularity of PhyreEngine with the global game developer community. It has helped demonstrate our commitment to the game developer community and in particular enable smaller independent developers and publishers to flourish on PS3 and NGP.

With almost 50 titles developed with the previous engines, the PhyreEngine reduces the entry barriers for smaller developers by reducing the cost of game development – something that is sure to lead to a slew of indie games on the NGP.