New Inversion Trailer Is Filled With Gravity-Bending Multiplayer Action

Namco Bandai has released a new video discussing the features of Inversion‘s multiplayer gameplay.

In the video, Namco Bandai Games Community Manager “Filthie” Rich Bantegui and Inversion Producer Kevin Mah discuss the game’s various multiplayer modes, including: Hourglass (King of the Hill with maps that can be flipped with gravity), Survival (a four player Horde mode), Deathmatch (traditional), Gravity Slaughter (team-based or free for all where players are awarded additional points for using their Gravlinks to take out other players), and King of Gravity (a mode where players fight to control a single Gravlink on the map and other players fight to take the pack from whoever controls it). The trailer closes with the Inversion logo and official site URL.

To view the “101 – Multiplayer” trailer, click on the video below:

Inversion will release for PS3 and Xbox 360 on June 5th in North America and in July 2012 in Europe.

What do you think about the trailer? Let us know in the comments!