Shawn McGrath Comments On Possibility Of Dyad Coming To PlayStation Vita

The creator of Dyad has commented on the possibility of seeing the psychedelic game coming to Sony’s handheld.

On the PS Blogcast, Shawn McGrath discussed whether or not his new PSN title would be brought to PlayStation Vita. McGrath said that the game could come to Vita on two conditions: the first being that “it doesn’t suck” and the other being that a Vita version purchase would be free with the purchase of the PS3 version. He said that he wouldn’t want to charge gamers twice for the same title and was described as “adamant” that it’d be free for PS3 owners before the game could come to Sony’s handheld.

McGrath further noted that bringing the game to PS Vita wouldn’t be easy, as the game’s trademark visuals are already “overwhelming” on Sony’s home console. The possibility of the game being brought to Vita is described in the report as “strong.”

Want to learn more about the game? Check out the PSLS review of Dyad.

Would you like to see Dyad come to PlayStation Vita? Let us know in the comments!
