Hideo Kojima Wants to See Next Silent Hill Installment on FOX Engine

Hideo Kojima has revealed that he wishes to see Silent Hill on his MGS5-powering Fox engine.

Speaking via Twitter, Kojima explained:

It would be a scary game if we make Silent Hill game on FOX engine. Silent Hill is in closed room setting and doesn’t require full action so that we can focus on the graphic quality. Enemy doesn’t have to be a lot or move fast. It only requires scariness by graphics and presentation.

As being a creator making action game in open world, such game is very enviously attractive. Wish someone could create this on FOX engine.

Konami rebooting the next Silent Hill title with a swanky new engine would make sense judging by Silent Hill Downpour‘s commercial performance – it is reported that the title failed to ship (not even sell) well under the one million units figure.