FEZ Expanding Beyond XBLA in 2013

FEZ creator Phil Fish has made it clear that he’s heard the outcries from gamers pleading for him to bring his enchanting world-rotating puzzler to platforms beyond the Xbox 360.

On the official Polytron website, in a “State of the Polytron” post, Fish explained: “2013 is going to be an interesting one, too. For one, FEZ will finally be ported to other platforms.”

He continued: “Yes, I’ve heard you, dozens of people emailing me everyday telling me how much of an idiot i am for not porting FEZ to everything.” While it’s virtually a given that the game will come to PC, let’s hope that it ends up making its way to the PlayStation Network as well.

With regard to what the future holds for Polytron, Fish confirmed that he has plans for two new games as well. Not only that, but he’d potentially like to do a non-gaming project, saying, “I want to design everything. Maybe not a videogame? Maybe something else entirely. I JUST DON’T KNOW.”

Stay tuned to PlayStation LifeStyle for an update on FEZ‘s expanded release.
