Quantic Dream Registers ‘Singularity PS4’ Website, Start Speculating

Quantic Dream has registered the domain singularityps4.com, pointing towards a PlayStation 4 game being in development by the Heavy Rain and Beyond studio.

Discovered by Superannuation, the usage of PS4 in the domain – similar to Beyond‘s domain being beyondps3.com – helps confirm the utterly unsurprising news that a new PlayStation in the works, as well as suggesting that it will be called the PS4 instead of something else (see, we told you PSM3!), along with giving us a possible title for Quantic’s game.

The problem is, however, that Singularity the game already exists. The name was used by Raven Software for their disappointing 2010 shooter, and Activision still holds the trademark. Perhaps the game will be subtitled (Singularity: Single Hilarity, or something), or possibly this is simply the name for another tech demo, akin to the awesome Kara.

Interestingly, David Cage has said that futurist Ray Kurzweil’s book The Singularity is Near was a major influence on Kara. That does suggest a strong link, but we don’t know if that means this is the next tech demo, or a fully-fledged Kara game.

What do you want? Were you as excited about Kara as we were? Do you think the PS4 will have the power to create your very own AI? Let us know in the comments below.
