Ubisoft is Focusing on 30fps for Watch Dogs on PS4, Wanted to Promote Density With the Map

With Watch Dogs releasing this November for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, and PC, Creative Director Jonathan Morin has told Videogamer, “Right now the frame rate we’re focusing on [is] a steady 30[fps]” on PS4 and Xbox One. “There’s always a balance, especially for open world, between the simulation and the rest. I think for where we are, the most important thing is the steadiness and that it’s always capped the same so when you play it it feels right.”

As well, Jonathan couldn’t confirm whether Watch Dogs will run at 720p or 1080p on next-gen consoles, though he did reveal that there will be a mandatory install on Xbox 360, which will presumably apply to the PS3 version too.

Meanwhile, Morin spoke to Eurogamer about the map of Watch Dogs:

One thing I wanted to promote with Watch Dogs was density, a lot more than scale. We have a big city but one thing a lot of games aren’t exploring is the shared density of it.

You can stand still and profile people for ten minutes – you’re playing without moving, almost. I think that’s even more important to me than just adding size to it. I don’t want size just becoming a space between A and B. We have a huge world but it’s more about the density.

He continued by mentioning how he expects the PC version of Watch Dogs to be the best looking, and teasing how other multiplayer modes are “under wraps.”

Are you buying Watch Dogs on PS3 or PS4? Let us know in the comments below.