Uncharted: Golden Abyss & Gravity Rush Staying Free on EU PlayStation Plus, “We May Look at This Again Next Year”

It looks like the one year anniversary of PlayStation Plus being added to the PlayStation Vita will go uncelebrated by Sony, as Fred Button of the EU PS Blog has revealed that “Gravity Rush and [Uncharted: Golden Abyss] will remain in the service for the foreseeable future.”

Based on Sony changing the evergreen PS3 titles on PlayStation Plus around their 1 year mark, it seemed a safe bet they would be doing the same thing for Gravity Rush and Uncharted for PlayStation Vita. As Fred Dutton puts it though, “We don’t feel that it is the right time to change them.”

Also, Dutton added how “we do not have any plans to change Uncharted: Golden Abyss or Gravity Rush at this time,” but “we may look at this again next year.” He then teased that DmC may be added to the Instant Game Collection soon, while Dokuro is “not planned” at this time.

If Sony changes their mind and does decide to rotate in some new PlayStation Vita titles into the Instant Game Collection in North America and Europe, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Do you mind that Gravity Rush and Uncharted are staying put, considering how Soul Sacrifice and Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath are coming to North America and Europe is getting Guacamelee!, Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed, and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories? Let us know in the comments below.