Settlement Process for 2011 PSN Hack Has Begun

Those who had a PlayStation Network, Qriocity, or Sony Online Entertainment Account before May 15, 2011 in the United States have been receiving an email that details the process on how you can go about claiming your free items offered as a result of the 2011 PSN hack settlement.

By filling out forms on, you could receive one of these benefits, depending on your account(s):

  • Payment equal to paid wallet balances (if $2 or more) in PSN or SOE accounts that have been inactive since the Intrusions,
  • One or more of the following: a free PS3 or PSP game, 3 free PS3 themes, or a free 3-month subscription to PlayStation Plus (once valid claims exceed $10 million, class members will still be eligible for one free month of PlayStation Plus),
  • A free month of Music Unlimited for Qriocity account holders who did not have a PSN account,
  • $4.50 in SOE Station Cash (amounts will be reduced proportionally if valid claims exceed $4 million).

There are 14 PS3/PSP available to choose from, including inFamous, LittleBigPlanet, Puppeteer, and rain. For the PlayStation Plus offer, it’s only valid for those who currently aren’t subscribers.

The Fairness Hearing for the settlement is scheduled for May 1, 2015.

Answers to any questions you may have about this settlement – including what happens if you exclude yourself, do nothing, and more – can be found in the FAQ section of the site.