The Witcher 3 Video Shows You “A Night to Remember”

In case you can’t get enough The Witcher 3 videos, this latest one — called “A Night to Remember” — is a cinematic (CGI) trailer that starts sexy, but becomes all about suspense and action as Geralt battles one scary vampire.

While the actual game won’t play out like this, or look as good (since this is pure CGI after all), based on what we’ve played, it’s as every bit as awesome as the video makes it out to be. Speaking of which, stay tuned to our The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt review in the coming days.

Have you pre-ordered The Witcher 3? In case you want to catch up on its story, we’ve posted a couple of videos that should help you out and then some.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is set for release on May 19 for the Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4.