Didn’t Buy The Taken King? Bungie Reveals All the Content Destiny Year One Owners Are Unable to Access

Updated earlier this week, a support page on Bungie’s Help website is titled ‘How Is Destiny changing if I don’t purchase Destiny: The Taken King?’

In the post, Bungie explains that, while The Taken King isn’t required to continue playing Destiny, “there are certain aspects of the game that are tied to Destiny being a living world, where certain portions of the game will advance and contain new content.”

Essentially, owners of Destiny who don’t upgrade to The Taken King for $39.99 (or $59.99 inside the Legendary Edition) will be unable to access certain content, such as Bounties from the first two expansions or Year 1 Legendary items.

Here’s a list of changes that affect Destiny owners who haven’t bought The Taken King:

  • Character Level is set at a maximum of 34
  • Strikes & Raid Activities are only available via the Destinations using the Director
  • Daily Heroic Missions, Weekly Heroic Strikes, and Nightfall Featured Activities will be set beyond level 34
  • Only the following Crucible modes will be available: Classic 3v3, Classic 6v6 and Classic Free-For-All
  • Only Year 1 versions of Exotic Weapons & Armor will be available
  • Tower Vendors will no longer sell Year 1 Legendary items
  • Bounties that were part of Expansion 1 (The Dark Below) or 2 (House of Wolves) are no longer available
  • Legendary Marks will not be available to be earned

You can see a list of what players have reported missing by heading over to this Reddit post (via NeoGAF).

Earlier today, Activision announced that Destiny: The Taken King is the most downloaded day-one game in PlayStation history, and it saw more players on its first day than the original Destiny.

[Source: Bungie Help]