Battleborn Trailer Introduces the Villain, Pre-Order Bonus Is a Pack of Golden Hero Skins

Introducing the villain in Battleborn, Gearbox revealed a new trailer today, titled Rendain.

“You are authorized to receive this message sent from our glorious, immortal Lord Commander Lothar Rendain,” the description says. “While originally intended as a direct message to the 25 Battleborn ‘heroes’ challenging his will, he has deemed you – the remaining citizens of the Solus System – as acceptable recipients.”

Voiced by Chris Rager (Mr. Torgue in Borderlands), Rendain’s problem with “butt theatrics” was explained by Creative Director Randy Varnell:

Well, you’ve seen him right? I mean, Rendain doesn’t really have a derriere, just more of a place where his back forks into legs. So, it’s probably just jealousy.

Referring to the Bolder kilt-less taunt you can see in the latest trailer, though, Rendain is serious. He exudes sinister focus. He doesn’t have time for “antics.” So, I’m not sure he has a problem with butts in general, it’s just overseeing the end of the universe is a full-time job, and he is fully focused on that.

Battleborn launches on February 9, 2016 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Those who pre-order will receive an exclusive set of golden skins for Thorn, Reyna, Montana, Marquis, and Rath in the Firstborn Pack.

[Source: GameSpot, Battleborn]