Free Bloodborne PS4 Theme Is Exclusive to Platinum Trophy Owners

How good of a Bloodborne player are you? You might have gotten both endings, but are you hardcore enough that you earned a Platinum Trophy for it? If you’re part of that lofty list, then you’re going to love what Sony has done for the game’s hardest of the hard players.

In case the headline wasn’t clear enough, Sony is giving out a free Bloodborne PS4 theme for those who managed to earn a Plat in Bloodborne! How awesome is that?

Here’s a screenshot of the PS4 theme:


The text translates to:

Only Hunters who have won the Platinum trophy can dress their home-screen in the trappings of the hunt. Congratulations, the Platinum Hunter PlayStation 4 theme is yours.

You can also watch a video of the theme in action above.

I admit, I still haven’t finished Bloodborne up to this day. I gather, I’m around 80 percent complete, but for some reason, I can’t muster the strength to soldier on. One of these days, I’ll finish it, but I don’t think I’m skilled enough to get a Plat. Anyone of our readers who managed to do this feat?

[Source: Reddit, The Games Cabin]