Sony: Microsoft’s Plan to Unify Xbox One and PC Will Have No Bearing on PlayStation Strategy

Microsoft’s plan to unify its Xbox One and PC audiences will have no bearing on Sony’s PlayStation strategy. 

That’s according to Sony Interactive Entertainment President Andrew House — as relayed by DualShockers — who spoke during an investor day about all things PlayStation 4, VR and the confirmed hardware refresh known as PlayStation Neo. 

First up, House was quizzed about Microsoft’s unification strategy, which allows for cross-play between Xbox One and PC. Don’t expect that to have much an impact on Sony’s outlook, though, with House noting that “a very well crafted unified client remains our strategy.”

“I always hesitate to be drawn into discussions on someone else’s strategy. I’m more than happy to talk about our own strategy… Yes, there was a big emphasis from the folks at Microsoft on Xbox and PC cross-play. It remains to be seen wether there is latent large consumer demand for that.

“But we don’t see it as really effecting or prompting any change in our thought process or strategy. We have always tended to believe that a proprietary ecosystem offering a very well crafted unified client experience is the way to go, and that sort of remains our strategy.”

Elsewhere, the PlayStation executive touched base on the PlayStation Plus subscriber count, which is now simmering around 20.8 million users at the time of writing. That’s around a third of the total amount of active PlayStation users, according to Sony, and earlier today we learned of the new software headed to the Instant Game Collection next week

Finally, though it may represent Sony’s first mid-gen hardware upgrade, PlayStation Neo won’t herald an accelerated production cycle similar to mobile or PC. 


Tell us, what do you make of the news emerging from Sony’s investor relations report?

[Source: Sony via DualShockers]