Kickstarter Confident About Video Games Crowdfunding Despite a Fall in Numbers

Earlier this month, ICO Partners reported a drop in the amount of funds raised for video games, attributing the decline largely to the absence of major titles like Shenmue III, Yooka-Laylee and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Now, Kickstarter boss Luke Crane has said that he’s happy with the number of projects that have been successfully funded and the quality of games appearing on the crowdfunding platform. Speaking to MCV, he said:

I’m hopeful. I actually have been really pleased with the quality of games coming through and the number of projects that are being successfully funded.

I know ICO published those numbers that everyone freaked out about, but there are lots of great games funded on the platform. And we’re now at this point where lots of fantastic Kickstarter-funded games are being picked up by publishers.

Crane further added that despite numbers being “wobbly” this year, the amount of money raised by games with funding goals between $50,000 and $250,000 has increased. “That’s the small indie teams that haven’t got a huge support network, who are coming to Kickstarter looking to get their first game off the ground,” he explained.

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[Source: MCV]