Ubisoft Says Week-One Sales Aren’t “Critical” But Still “Very Important”

October has been quite a disappointment for some high profile video game franchises as their latest iterations saw lower initial sales numbers compared to previous releases. Such titles include Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Watch Dogs 2. However, Ubisoft believes that while week-one sales are “very important,” they aren’t “critical” and don’t determine the success of a video game.

Speaking to MCV, Ubisoft’s VP of live operations Anne Blondel said:

[Week One is] not critical but still very important. As long as the feedback from the gamers and the community is great, that means we have achieved our No.1 objective – the rest will come afterwards.

It’s true that we need, at first, a big enough player base; because players are coming to meet with other players, so if there’s too small a [user]base… there has to be [enough for] a snowball effect.

In other news from Ubisoft, the developer has announced thirty days of giveaways marking the start of 2016’s holiday season as well as the company’s 30 years of operation. Freebies range from free games (first-come-first-serve basis) to DIY projects and more. The event kicks off today, further details of which you can find here.

[Source: MCV]