Now Loading…Will Horizon Zero Dawn Live Up to the Hype?

In just a few short weeks, gamers everywhere will finally get to experience Guerrilla Games’ first big game that’s not titled Killzone (RIGS kinda doesn’t count for a lot of different reasons) with Horizon Zero Dawn.

While we’ve already managed to get our hands on the third-person action game, and there are loads of gameplay videos of it circulating around, We’re still not sure how fans will react to this new Sony franchise. Will it be the next Uncharted? Or will it be the next Knack that, while not an outright flop, isn’t the mega blockbuster Sony was counting on? In this week’s Now Loading, the staff weighs in on whether we think Horizon Zero Dawn will live up to the hype or fall flat on its face. What do we think? Check the gallery below for our responses.

Do you think Horizon Zero Dawn will live up to the hype? Or will it end up as a pretty fantastic game to look at but lack the substance? Same as before, share your thoughts in the comments below.

Horizon Zero Dawn will be out this February 28, 2017 exclusively for the PlayStation 4. Expect our review to hit as soon as embargo lifts and all that.

Now Loading is a recurring staff-driven feature where PlayStation LifeStyle discusses anything video game-related under the sun (yes, even non-Sony platforms.

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