Mass Effect Andromeda Update 1.04 Now Out, Is 1.9GB on PS4

With Mass Effect Andromeda launching tomorrow in North America, players have revealed that update 1.04 is live on PlayStation 4 and takes up approximately 1.9GB. Just like update 1.03, the PS4’s Update History says 1.04 includes various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Producer Fernando Melo touched on Mass Effect Andromeda update 1.04:

According to Melo, a detailed list of patch notes should be posted by BioWare today.

For future updates, Melo says they’re looking into performance improvements in multiplayer, a way to prevent enemies from attacking when you spawn in multiplayer, and IPv6 matchmaking issues.

Mass Effect Andromeda launches tomorrow in North America and on Wednesday in Europe. You can read our review over here.

[Source: Fernando Melo (Twitter 1, 2, 3, 4), Reddit (1), (2)]