Uncharted Lost Legacy Update

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Director Highly Doubts the Series Is Done

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Creative Director Shaun Escayg doesn’t think that Chloe and Nadine’s adventure will be the final entry in the series.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Escayg was asked if The Lost Legacy is considered the end of its characters’ stories. He replied:

I wouldn’t say it’s the end. This thieving world is huge. There’s so many characters. Even before we settled on this particular story we were exploring Sullivan, we were exploring Cutter, and pairing each other up, thinking what would be right, what would have conflict, growth, something new, something fresh. And Chloe was the one that kept jumping out.

But to say the Uncharted world is done… I doubt that highly.

Escayg added that Naughty Dog explored “almost every character in that world and we do have spines and storylines to explore with them,” but the story with Chloe and Nadine is what they chose to settle on.

With The Lost Legacy two months away from release, Escayg says the entire team at Naughty Dog is working on it right now. “We have a truly ambitious schedule,” he continued. “The Last of Us is working but at a lot slower pace right now. The entire team is on Lost Legacy – that’s a couple hundred of us strong.

Asked about possibly doing a full open world game, Escayg said, “The future is uncertain there – we’re always testing it.” After pointing out that The Lost Legacy has a segment similar to Madagascar in Uncharted 4, Escayg added, “When we find a way to do things in an open world I think we’ll definitely venture there at some point.”

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy releases on August 22 in North America and August 23 in Europe for PlayStation 4.

[Source: Eurogamer]