middle earth shadow of war

Check Out the Middle-earth: Shadow of War PAX West Panel

At this years PAX West convention, some of the cast and crew of the upcoming Middle-Earth: Shadow of War took to the stage to discuss the game.

There to break down some of the game were the team from Monolith Productions, as well as Philip Straub (Director of Art), Tony Elias (Lead Narrative Designer) and Bob Roberts (Design Director). Joining them were voice actors Troy Baker (who also served as Performance Capture Director for the game) who plays the lead character Talion, and Alastair Duncan who reprises his role as Celebrimbor.

The panel is moderated by Victor Lucas and delves into how the characters of Talion and Celebrimbor have evolved from their first appearance in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

You can watch the full panel – which runs for about an hour – below:

Watch live video from PAX on www.twitch.tv

If you can’t get enough Shadow of War, make sure to check out our interview with Michael de Plater, Monolith Productions’ VP of Creative, on what fans can look forward to when Shadow of War releases later this year:

The key is that while Talion and Celebrimbor have become more powerful, so have your enemies. The Orcs and Trolls of the Nemesis System have a whole range of new abilities, weapons and classes. Plus, the scale of the world and the battles have increased considerably, so you are now using your powers against hordes of enemies in some cases. On top of that, the beasts and monsters have increased in terms of their variety and numbers, all the way up to the dragons you will battle against and ultimately dominate. The game has grown enormously in every dimension.