Warhammer: The End Times – Vermintide Official Soundtrack Announced

Vermintide soundtrack

Sumthing Else Music Works has announced that they will be releasing the official soundtrack for Warhammer: The End Times – Verminitide. The composer is none other than BAFTA-winner Jesper Kyd, the composer of the soundtracks for Assassin’s Creed 2Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and Darksiders 2.  

The soundtrack will be available digitally and on streaming services on September 26th. It will contain 36 tracks from the game’s core soundtrack, the DLC expansions, and even the instrumental songs from the Red Moon Inn, the local tavern in-game.

“It’s a dynamic, raw and violent score that belongs to Vermintide’s dark medieval setting,” Kyd said about the composition. “We wanted the score to sound like it was performed by a Skaven band on acoustic instruments mangled by some mad Skaven scientist in the dark ages. It’s very different from anything I have written in the past.”

The publisher went on to explain how Kyd composed the Red Moon Inn music:

Kyd also mixed the score’s visceral tracks with more traditional folk music, performed by a three-piece band in an old English-style pub, the Red Moon Inn, to give contrast to the intense combat experience and Skaven music, and to further define the historical period of Vermintide’s world.

Warhammer: The End Times – Verminitide released earlier this year. A sequel has been announced for PC and consoles, with more information coming in October.