Pure Farming 2018 trailer

Pure Farming 2018 Trailer Shows Off Its Powerful Machinery

Techland just put out a new trailer for their upcoming farming simulator Pure Farming 2018. Called “Heroes of the Farm,” the trailer focuses on some of the machinery players will be able to operate when the title releases in March 13, 2018.

Pure Farming 2018 is not only about many diverse locations, but also about a great fleet of fully licensed and faithfully recreated machines from around the world,” said Techland Publishing Brand Manager Pawel Jawor. “Each machine in our game has been officially approved by the licensor, and the developers made sure to make the in-game experience of operating it as true to life as it gets.”

Check out the latest Pure Farming 2018 trailer below:

For even more on Techland’s farming simulator, check out my Pure Farming 2018 preview. Here’s what I had to say about the farming title:

In order to satisfy both newcomers and experienced virtual farmers, Pure Farming 2018 will feature three main modes. Hardcore simulation fans will want to check out the Free Farming mode, which’ll allow players to set up their own rules to play by. This is the most freedom available in the game, as they’ll be able to change how many resources they start out with, and take control of every aspect of the farm life.

Those looking for a shorter, more focused experience will want to check out the farming challenges. These tasks will each last around an hour long, and are designed for players that don’t have a ton of time to play, but want to accomplish something meaningful. Each will test the player in different ways, and one example I was shown was where players would have to manage to grow tomatoes during a drought.

Finally, My First Farm will be Pure Farming‘s offering for beginners. This’ll be a streamlined experience, one that’ll teach new players the basics. The added structure will come in the way of quests, and players will gain experience points for learning how to operate the farm. Techland hopes that this’ll get new players invested in the basics, and then they can branch out to the other more in-depth modes after they get a grip on things.

Pure Farming 2018 is set to release March 13, 2018.