Now Loading Sony Franchise Break

Now Loading: What PlayStation Franchises Need a Break?

Sony has some of the most recognizable franchises in all of gaming. Games like God of WarUnchartedRachet & Clank, and SOCOM have defined console generations. That said, sometimes these series can lose a bit of their luster through sequels, and it’s not uncommon to see three or more entries in a comparatively short amount of time. Did God of War: Ascension really help that brand any?

That’s why the question we posed in this week’s Now Loading was “Sony has a lot of recognizable series, but they sometimes go back to the well too often. What PlayStation franchises need a break?”

Check out the gallery below to find out what the staff thought of this week’s question:

Now that you’ve seen our answers, we’d love to see hear your thoughts on the matter at hand. Feel free to chime in below with your answer to this week’s question. We can’t wait to hear about what PlayStation franchises you’d like to see go away for a while. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

We’re always looking for suggestions for our next Now Loading. If you’ve got a good one then let us know via email (or leave a comment below), and we might feature it next week. If we do, we’ll make sure to include a special thank you to the sender!

Now Loading is a weekly recurring feature where the PlayStation LifeStyle staff discusses anything video game-related ranging from hot topics to more whimsical subjects. Past editions can be found here.

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