Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Guide – How to Beat All Colossi, Trophy Guide, and Collectible Locations

 Full Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Trophy Guide

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Shadow of the Colossus Collectible Guide

Some of the trophies require finding various things around the map, and our collectibles guide will help you clean up a number of these collectibles.

Shadow of the Colossus Fruit Location Guide

Fruit increases Wander’s health, and is required for the trophy to max out Wander’s health and stamina.

Undertake the Time Attack challenges and you will unlock a Fruit Tree Map to be able to find what fruit you still need to collect. The Fruit Tree Map is unlocked after defeating six of the colossi on Hard Time Attacks or 10 colossi kills in Normal Time Attack. There are 128 total fruits in the game, and many trees have multiple fruit in them.

If you don’t want to earn the Fruit Tree Map, here are the locations:

Shadow of the Colossus Lizard Location Guide

Lizard tails increase Wander’s stamina, but they are not required to max it out. Defeating colossi will also increase stamina, so the Lizards are merely supplementary.

Undertake the Time Attack challenges and you will unlock a Lizard Map to be able to find what lizard tails you still need to collect. The Lizard Detection Stone is unlocked after defeating 10 of the colossi on Hard Time Attacks or eight colossi kills on Normal Time Attack.

If you don’t want to earn the Lizard Detection Stone, here are the locations:

Full Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Trophy Guide

Shadow of the Colossus Save Shrine Location Guide

There are 25 Save Shrines scattered throughout the game. You will need to pray at each one for a trophy. The map below is from the PS3 HD remaster of the game, but the locations are the same in the PS4 remake.

Shadow of the Colossus Time Attack Rewards

Normal Time Attack Rewards

  • 2 Colossi – Whistling Arrow – Distracts a colossus when fired
  • 4 Colossi – Cloak of Force – Increases damage to colossi using a sword
  • 6 Colossi – Mask of Strength – Can inflict deeper wounds into the colossi
  • 8 Colossi – Lizard Detection Stone – Adds lizards to the map
  • 10 Colossi – Fruit Tree Map – Shows the Fruit Tree locations on the map
  • 12 Colossi – Mask of Power – Can inflict more grievous wounds on a colossus
  • 14 Colossi – Cloak of Deception – Wander is invisible to the colossi
  • 16 Colossi – Flash Arrow – Arrow explodes and can deal damage without hitting vital points

Completing all 16 will also unlock the ability to change Agro’s color to brown.

Hard Time Attack Rewards

  • 2 Colossi – Harpoon of Thunder – Ranged weapon for dealing damage
  • 4 Colossi – Sword of the Sun – Can reflect light even in shadow
  • 6 Colossi – Fruit Tree Map – Shows the Fruit Tree locations on the map
  • 8 Colossi – Shaman’s Cloak – Decreases damage Wander takes
  • 10 Colossi – Lizard Detection Stone – Adds lizards to the map
  • 12 Colossi – Shaman’s Mask– Decreases damage Wander takes
  • 14 Colossi – Cloth of Desperation – Parachute that can save Wander while falling long distances
  • 16 Colossi – Queen’s Sword – Can destroy vital points in one strike. Ico Easter egg

Completing all 16 will also unlock the ability to change Agro’s color to white.

Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Secret Coins

Spread throughout the PS4 version of the game are a new collectible, small shining objects that emit a musical tone if you are nearby. Picking them up doesn’t seem to do anything right now, but it adds a count in the lower left corner of the map, near the clouds.

There are a lot of theories about what collecting all of the secret coins will do, the most popular being that it unlocks a secret, previously unreleased 17th colossus. As of right now, that is just a theory. The coins are not required for the Platinum trophy.

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