Ninja Theory Addresses Screen Tearing Concerns With PS3 Enslaved

Footage of Enslaved’s gameplay is easily making its way across the internet and getting Ninja Theory fans hyped for its release which is due in less than a month.  Already, some viewers are speculating differences between the Xbox version and the PS3 version.  One of those concerns is “tearing” some PS3 fans up a bit.

On some of the PS3’s gameplay clips, people have begun to comment that they are noticing slight screen tearing issues.  Those who were peculiar about the issue, also noted that the Xbox 360’s gameplay videos do not show the graphic anomaly.  The community manager for Ninja Theory, known as “DomVs” on the developer’s forums, replied with the following statement to address those concerns:

“I can re-assure you that through our development process neither format is favoured. In fact, both formats are developed simultaneously so it wouldn’t be possible for one format to be cared for more than the other.

“We value our customers and fans on all formats very highly and hope that whichever format is chosen to play the game on it will be a really enjoyable and rewarding experience. All of the Ninja’s in the team invest a great deal of time and passion into making the game the best it can be, regardless of format.

“We always value feedback and hope that once the game is released you’ll be able to come back and let us know that you really enjoyed it.”

While this doesn’t seem to address the screen tearing issue directly, we can at least have some rest knowing that either versions of the game has the potential to deliver the same quality – thanks to the simultaneous development of Enslaved for both consoles.

Check back with PlayStation LifeStyle to catch our review of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, which we hope to have posted close to its release date around October 5th.