Types of PlayStation Trophy Hunters – Which One Are You?

If you own a PlayStation 3, Vita, or PlayStation 4, you’ve earned at least one PlayStation Trophy in your gaming career. For some of us, the Trophies do nothing, but for others, TROPHIES ARE LIFE. Or, less obsessively, Trophies are incredibly fun to snag!

Whether or not you’re as into Trophies as some of us are here, you’ve undoubtedly come across different breeds of Trophy hunters. Not everyone is either gung-ho for the virtual collectibles or totes uninterested. There are varying degrees of Trophy obsession for hunters as well as for specific games. We’ve compiled together the various types of PlayStation Trophy Hunters we’ve come across, in gaming or with our friends. Naturally, we’re all in these categories as well. One may be called out specifically a time or two.

Where do you fall in one of these categories? Are you another Chandler Wood, do you go for it only if you think you can, or are you just happy getting through the game, Trophies be damned?

Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments below!

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