control nycc 2018 panel

Remedy to Reveal More About Control During NYCC 2018 Panel

Remedy Entertainment has announced plans to host a Control panel, “A New York Mystery: Meet the Cast of Control,” during New York Comic-Con 2018. Creative Director Sam Lake will be in attendance, alongside Control star Courtney Hope. The announcement came via the game’s Twitter page.

Control’s panel starts at 6:30 pm EST on October 5th and will be hosted at the Javits Center in Room 1A18. In addition to Sam Lake and Courtney Hope, other cast members scheduled to appear are James McCaffrey and Matthew Porretta.

Barring a lengthy gameplay demo following the E3 2018 reveal trailer, most information about Control has stemmed from Remedy’s growing number of developer diaries. The first developer diary presents the concepts behind Control’s story. Gameplay takes center stage during the second developer diary. Remedy’s third video diary examines the mysterious setting. Finally, the most recent video introduces Jesse Faden, Control’s protagonist.

Control may currently be without a release date, but there’s plenty to look forward to with New York Comic Con on the horizon. This year’s NYCC kicks off on October 4, 2018.

[Source: Control’s Twitter via DualShockers]