horizon forbidden west Release Date

Horizon Forbidden West Dev Teases Lots of ‘Gameplay and Storytelling Possibilities’ in the Game’s World

Guerrilla Games has said that the its “excited” to expand upon Aloy’s story and continue exploring the world with the upcoming Horizon Forbidden West.

Speaking to GamesRadar, a spokesperson for the studio teased “so many gameplay and storytelling possibilities” in the Horizon universe, but declined to comment further. What the studio did reveal is that players will be thrown into “a dangerous, mysterious place, filled with new challenges and discoveries.” Some of those challenges and discoveries will include brand new foes that we’ll have to learn how to take down. Guerrilla Games added:

Part of what made the machine combat in Horizon Zero Dawn so satisfying was the puzzle-solving element in each encounter. What is this machine’s attack pattern? What are its weaknesses? Which strategies are most successful? There was the harsh reality of stumbling upon machines that you weren’t quite ready to take on. Our reveal trailer showed players they can look forward to things they’ve never seen before, but we’d like to leave it at that for now and preserve as much of that satisfaction for players to discover for themselves.

Guerrilla Games has been largely mum about Horizon Forbidden West thus far, but that should change soon. The developer recently announced via its website that it’s shifting its resources to ramp up the game’s development. However, for some odd reason, the statement was removed shortly afterwards.

Horizon Forbidden West is expected to release this year for both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. We’ll update our readers when we have more information.

[Source: GamesRadar]