Playstation Day 2008

It is now May 6th. You know what that means right? PLAYSTATION DAY 2008. It will be in London as you all know. 11 AM EST will be the start of the press conference. Resistance 2 will be there in a playable form. Expect to read a ton of hands-on impressions following the conference. A few sites have also reported that they are expecting to hear Home news at the show. Not surprising though, Home is being developed by SCEE.

There are bound to be tons of other information at the show. Hopefully we’ll hear more about titles such as Infamous and Killzone 2. Two titles that I’m dieing to get my hands on. Expect to hear about a new title or two as well.

Be sure to check back for all of the info from PLAYSTATION Day 2008 as it developed.

Thanks for reading.