Rumor: French Site with PSP Firmware 5.00 Info

Written by Chris Rah Osiris
5.00 is coming
5.00 is coming

PSPGen is reporting that some good stuff is coming in the next big PSP update. Please keep in mind that this is based on the firmware for PSP test units, so nothing is concrete and this is considered a rumor. There will be PSN integration, text support for RSS feeds, and a snapshot feature.

This is not concrete by any means and I would like to advise you against placing your hopes in this. Sony has confirmed that the PS Store will be coming to the PSP this Fall, so complete integration with PSN would not be too far fetched. The ability to have text feeds will allow you to keep up to date with your favorite PlayStation site, and the snapshot feature would be appreciated, I know I want to save my portable game experiences.

Have your grains of salt ready, this could end up being completely incorrect and we know what happens when our hopes are dashed. A lot of moaning. 😉