PSN Review – Hyperballoid HD Original World Campaign

Hyperballoid HD was released on the European PlayStation Store back in December, and it scored averagely due to having amazing levels but not doing a whole lot as a video game in this age, with no leaderboard support and awkward optional SIXAXIS controls. But with 100 levels for a cheap €3.99, traditional brick-breaker fans were surely pleased. A new DLC pack has just released in Europe, titled the “Original World Campaign.” So how does it fair?

For an additional €1.99, you get access to 50 new levels. They do not seem to have an overall theme, other than being extremely complex and rewarding to finish (or, if you’re not a fan of the genrea, boring to get to the “easy exit” token by clearing most of the bricks). There are also new inventive powerups, such as “balloon,” which makes the balls float like helium-filled balloons, jumping around upward for a while, and “barrier,” which spawns two transparent walls from the bottom of your ship to the top of the screen, and any balls contained within act as though the transparent wall were solid. It is very useful in situations where you are trying to hit a lone brick.

To infinity, and back!

The core of the game has not changed, which will suit fans just fine. There are still no leaderboards to speak of, but the DLC does add an extra trophy for completing the campaign. So if you’re a fan of the game or genre you can’t really go wrong picking this DLC up, and your spare cash does buy you a lot of gameplay here. Take a look at some of the complex levels in the gallery below!

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Once again, some amazing levels.

New powerups are inventive.

Leaderboard support still absent.

7 out of 10