Extend Your Vita’s Battery Life with External Battery

Battery life is always a focal point when talking about any sort of handheld, as a short battery life can be a huge letdown, forcing you to either carry a charger with you, or… even worse, go without games for a while.  The upcoming PlayStation Vita was announced to have a full charge comparable to the 3DS, lasting 3 to 5 hours depending on what you’re doing on your Vita. But, if that is just not good enough for your needs, Sony has a solution.

Sony recently announced a total of 16 peripherals for the PlayStation Vita. There was also one they didn’t talk about, but are preparing, and it’s an external battery. Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida revealed the news to IGN yesterday, giving gamers with the need for extended Vita time a peripheral that they will definitely want to pick up.

Will you be one of the people picking up this battery extension when you get the Vita, or is a 3-5 hour battery life just fine by you?