$99 PlayStation Mobile Publisher License Fee Waived, Bring Your Game to PSM for Free

To help entice more indie developers to bring their games to PlayStation, Sony has decided to waive the $99 publisher license fee for PlayStation Mobile, meaning that it’s even easier for people to get their projects onto the PS Vita and PlayStation certified devices.

Since I’m very close with the two developers over at A Game by Sebastian Moss and No One Else Studios, who are working on an as-of-yet untitled epic, I decided to ask Sebastian Moss, CEO of Hardware Development, if this meant they’d release their game on PS Mobile:

Nah, cause we want people to actually play it.

Sticking with PlayStation Mobile, we just got our hands on the new Rymdkapsel. Our review will be coming soon for the $4.99 title, but if you can’t wait, here’s the launch trailer:

How many PlayStation Mobile games have you bought? Let us know in the comments below.


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