Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Stats Revealed by Activision, Over a Quadrillion XP Earned in Franchise’s History


You know those instances where publishers release stats that highlight just how much time people spent playing their games? Well, Activision is at it once again, as it just sent out an infograph for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare stats.

Possibly the most interesting stats in the graph are those not mentioned. While there are stats exclusive to Advanced Warfare, most of the revealed numbers point to the franchise rather than the latest entry in the series.


Well, seeing as Advanced Warfare seems to be raking in the Call of Duty money once more for Activision, I gather, that’s the only stat they really need, no? 

Are you surprised at all by these Call of Duty stats? Or do you think the franchise is getting old and this is the main reason why Activision chose to showcase franchise numbers instead of just Advanced Warfare’s?