PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: January 24 & 25, 2014 – Hard Mode Edition

Like it or not, the Hard mode of Crota’s end was released in Destiny this past week, and most everyone on staff is planning to put at least some time into attempting to defeat him. When they aren’t, they’ve got another few games that they’ll be playing as well, including some new releases!

Here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:

Alex Co (@Excaliburps)

I’ll be pouring some time in Resident Evil Remastered HD! The nostalgia, coupled with the fact that it’s a solid game, has captured me once more.

I’ll sneak in some multiplayer stuff in some way, too.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

We’re attempting to finish off Crota on Hard mode, so we’ll be working on that, and I’ll be finishing up my review of Saints Row IV: Re-Elected as I play through the including DLC portions of the game that I missed back on PS3.

D’yani Wood (@Dyani)

My hunter is finally closing in on level 30, so I’ll be working to get her geared up in Destiny so that I can have a second character that is Raid ready. I will also be trying to help Chandler, Dan, and the rest of our Raid group to beat Crota on Hard mode while I serenade them with ukulele music in between deaths. I really want that Glowhoo shader!

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

With Destiny’s hard mode Crota raid still eluding me, I’m sure some time will be spent trying to take him down. But past that, I am going to be working various projects and hopefully running for my life in the dark.

Jason Dunning (@Jasonad21)

I’ll be attempting to finish up the Platinum in Shadow of Mordor, while also going through the rest of Season 2 of The Walking Dead on PS3.

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

Since joining up with the Alpha Wulf Clan, the raids in Destiny have become a lot more fun. Teamwork is the key, with strategic execution of well laid plans resulting in great success. With the Pro Bowl being held on Sunday, I’ll probably get in a little Madden to get me in the NFL mood.

Mack Ashworth (@GamingWithMack)

My girlfriend has caught the Minecraft bug (again), so we’ll be playing that for the next few weeks or so… (Help me!)

Mark Labbe (@MarkyMark255)

I’ll be finishing up Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk on the PS Vita for my review, and I will also be playing some Saints Row: Re-Elected, Motorcycle Club, and Resident Evil Remaster HD on the PS4.

Paulmichael Contreras (@T3mpr1x)

My car has decided to give me some trouble this with a flat tire and government-mandated smog check, so I’m going to be playing a bit of that pesky “real life” game. But once that’s outta the way, I’ll plow through Ironclad Tactics for review. I also bought Guild Wars 2 last week, so I’ll jump into Tyria and wreak havoc on some unsuspecting Sons of Svanir.

Ryan (@Decimilator)

Destiny Hard Mode Crota’s End. I’m going to kill all those damn ogres, you hear me ogres? You’re dead!

Zarmena Khan (@Zarmena)

I’ve just grabbed a PS Vita so I’m going to familiarize myself with it. I won’t have time to actually play since it’s my baby sister’s birthday weekend and she’s planned a ton of things.

Have you attempted Crota on Hard yet? Let us know what you’ll be playing.