Battle Chasers: Nightwar Debuts New Gameplay Clip, Nordic Games Partnership Confirmed

Hatched by Joe Madureira and fellow Darksiders alum, crowdfunded RPG Battle Chasers: Nightwar has taken a major step in development today after securing a partnership with Nordic Games. 

In the works at Airship Syndicate, Nightwar has already reached its initial funding goals via Kickstarter, but the added boon that Nordic Games provides will allow the studio to introduce voice acting into the comic book-styled title. 

Per Airship:

We nearly reached some very popular high-end stretch goals during our campaign, but didn’t quite get there. Today we can announce – we HAVE gotten there, unlocking a few major features for the game…most notably, VOICE ACTING!

This is due to a recently-finalized partnership with Nordic Games, which will increase the funds we have to make the game while also allowing us to focus on the game development itself, leaving the other stuff (marketing, localization, publishing, and so on) to our new comrades.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar has been penciled in for a release across PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, though there’s no word yet regarding an official date. 

[Source: NeoGAF, Twitter, Kickstarter]