Judge Dredd Sackboy to Deliver LittleBigJustice


According to an image in the latest “Sack it to me“, Judge Dredd is indeed coming to LittleBigPlanet as DLC (costume and sticker pack), and will be available in 3 weeks on May 28th.

Quite strange to see Judge Dredd as a DLC, as Judge Dredd isn’t exactly in the limelight as of late.  However, word is that Media Molecule has been in discussions with various artists including Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and many others.

Hopefully we will see a slew of comic book characters joining the LBP lineup up of costumes.  Who wouldn’t want a Wolverine or Magneto sackboy?  Although I would appreciate it if they would hurry up and release the Sephiroth costume, with or without a Final Fantasy level pack.



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