Sony Brings Up Cross-Game Chat, Still Nothing Solid

As we all know, Cross-game chat the most requested feature demanded by PlayStation Network users. Sony knows this, and to appease the masses they have once again publicly brought up the feature — but still fall short of giving us anything concrete.

Lex Scheuble, PSN Marketing Manager, had this to say about Cross-game chat within a PlayStation Plus FAQ:

“We are constantly working on new services and features to enhance your PlayStation experience; however, Cross-Game Chat was not announced as a part of PlayStation Plus’ features. We know that Cross-Game Chat is a functionality our fans are extremely interested in and we are always striving to improve the PlayStation Network experience and services.”

Almost 4 full years into the PlayStation 3’s lifecycle and the most requested feature has yet to make its way to our favorite console. Will it ever happen? Share your thoughts via the comments section below!