PlayStation Offers Prizes in Canada, and Rips off a Viral Internet Flash Game (In the Spirit of the Holidays)

You may be familiar with the delightful somewhat off-color waste of time “The Big Red Button” (pictured below), well it appears that PlayStation’s crack online marketing team (that isn’t meant ironically, they’ve actually released some neat projects) have aped the popular pointless button pusher in order to promote a PlayStation themed gift giving season.

PlayStation generally has a knack for (arguably) improving on the formula that largely or partially inspired their games (LittleBigPlanet/Mario, Modnation/Mario Kart, PlayStation All-Stars/Super Smash Bros) but how does their unnecessary button clicker compare? Well, this one has actual prizes to be won (for Canadians) but otherwise the button speaks to you much less (you’ll click it, and it won’t say anything unless you click it 10 or so additional times) and it’s almost never genuinely funny, however, the text is typically so painfully PlayStation promotional, that it’s hard not to find it humorous on an unintended level.

But, hey – it’s not the worst way to waste your time, I’m up to 654 button clicks, with more sure to come since the grinch greedy side of me that already owns most of the prizes already can’t bring himself to close the tab. What’s your holiday approved “highscore”?


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