PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: January 19th & 20th, 2013 – Don’t Make Me Cry Edition

The biggest release this past week was Capcom’s reboot of the Devil May Cry series, DmC Devil May Cry. We gave the game an 8.5/10, even going so far as saying “this reboot is without a doubt the best thing to happen to the series in years,” but that “if you can’t get over his look, then you won’t like this game.”

While many people will no doubt be playing DmC this weekend, it seems as though the majority of the PSLS staff won’t be. Check out what each of us are playing this weekend below, and feel free to tell us what you’ll be getting up to this weekend in the comments.

Alex Osborn – News Editor (@a_charlez)

Thanks to the wonderful service that is PlayStation Plus, I will be immersing myself in Darksiders. The game has always intrigued me, but for whatever reason, I never got around to playing it, so now that I’ve got the digital version, there’s really no excuse. Plus, the idea of God of War meets The Legend of Zelda sounds too awesome to pass up.

Chandler Wood – News Writer (@FinchStrife)

As I am spending the weekend in Boise visiting my wife’s mother without access to my PS3, it will definitely be a Vita weekend for me. I might work a little more on Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation or start my Crushing playthrough on Uncharted: Golden Abyss, or I could work on my Vita PlayStation All-Stars platinum. I really haven’t decided what I want to do yet.

I also loaded the Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection into my PS3 before I left so that I can play it via remote play. Hopefully I get some time to at least play something!

Dan Oravablahgahriii – Homeless (@NoFollowers)

I quit my job today (listen to Monday’s Bad Gamers Podcast for more on that), which means I’m going to celebrate by drinking and powering through Far Cry 3 so that I can play Ni No Kuni the second it’s out. The main thing is to play as much as possible before they turn off the power. Plus, now I have no other job, I can spend way more time doing PSLS stuff! [Seb: Oh joy…]

Jason Dunning – Lead News Writer (@Jasonad21)

In a moment of weakness I started playing Conan (I bought it for a few dollars and it’s been sitting there, staring at me for months). It’s a clear God of War rip-off, with worse combat and much less interesting everything else, but I find myself oddly enjoying it. So I’ll probably be playing that all weekend, while also watching about six different hockey games and the NFL playoffs.

Jesse Meikle – News Writer (@Jesse_WM)

After, 7 good years, my original PlayStation 3 has finally succumb to the infamous yellow light of death…with PlayStation All-Stars stuck inside. With my Vita already being sent in for servicing, I promptly purchased a new PS3 (ended up being the first redesign, rather than last year’s hardware refresh) at the store. I’ve been waiting for the PlayStation Network to finish maintenance so that I can grab my PS+ cloud saves, and once the network returns, I plan to play DmC Devil May Cry and I also hope to get some Ghost Recon: Future Soldier action in too.

Then I’ve gotta break PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale free from my broken PS3’s tank-like casing before I can play it. I’ll also be happy if I’m able to sneak in some good gory God of War: Ascension Beta gameplay, along with possibly some PS+ provided Darksiders, and the original Mass Effect really deserves some attention too.

Ryan Ordway – Writer, Site Technician (@decimalator)

All of the fog where I live has me in the mood for more Persona 4 Golden. I feel like murder is imminent, I need to save people! When I’m not busy rescuing people from certain doom, I’m going to be hunting for Big Game in the new Sir Hammerlock DLC for Borderlands 2. Oh, and crying about the lack of College Football games to watch.

Sebastian Moss – Staying Frosty (@SebMoss)

It’s snowing here, so I’m going to make snowmen and throw some ice balls at old people. Once I’m bored of that, I’m hitting my backlog of Batman: Arkham City and going to try out that free Samurai PSM game. After seeing that Ascension singleplayer trailer, I’m also going to go back and play some of my favorite bits in God of War III.

Then I’m going back to throwing stuff at people.

Vivas Kaul – Writer (@VivasKaul)

Woo hoo, three day weekend! At the moment I have a stack of games that I, being a huge trophy junkie, am working on. I’m currently playing through Dishonored again, but this time I have a blatant disregard for everyone and everything which is proving to be a fun way to play through that game. At some point I’ll probably dive back in Mass Effect 1 to continue my renegade playthrough in that. There are some other games I could mention, like XCOM, ACIII, and Hitman, but there’s probably not going to be enough hours in the day for all that stuff.

What are you playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments below.