PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: March 16th & 17th, 2013 – Ascending Edition

God of War: Ascension’s launch hasn’t been the smoothest for a game in the acclaimed series. Sure, it received some encouraging reviews, but the controversy surrounding the ‘Bros before Hos‘ trophy caused them to change it to ‘Bros before Foes’. Then, after advancing in the game, many people complained of the extreme difficulty found within the Trial of Archimedes, leading Sony Santa Monica to start working on a patch.

With that, here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:

Anthony Severino – Founder (@Sev_Anthony)

I’ve still got a sealed copy of Tomb Raider just waiting to be unwrapped, caressed, and then I’ll insert my disc into the slot… slowly, and carefully. Oh, but how I already know that I probably won’t have time to do so. Weekends tend to go to my family, while my week is spent on the game industry. This means little time to play games for enjoyment outside of what I review or preview. It’s a double-edged sword.

Cameron Teague – Flounder (@Cameron_PSLS)

I am going to be playing a little game called House Repairman and mover. We are switching up rooms in our house, moving furniture, mounting a new tv, and all that other fun stuff. I will still find time to stop by GameStop and pick up a new game, possibly Tomb Raider, but more likely Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. Of course, I will find a bit of time for League of Legends, but that’s a given! Since I didn’t get a chance last week and early this week with all the reviews, I might actually finish the end of Ni no Kuni, let’s hope!

Chandler Wood – Pounder (@FinchStrife)

This weekend will be spent wading my way through the incredibly awkward mess that makes up Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory in order get our review out to you. I will also be replaying something that was recently released that I am working on a review for, and that also may be a part of a giveaway that you can win on Morning Wood, so be sure to watch this Saturday’s Morning Wood for more details on that.

Dan Oravassari – Hounder (@FoolsJoker)

Besides the usual Bad Gamers stuff I have to do every weekend (which also has a giveaway, and it’s better than Wood’s), I will probably be running the live stream of Tomb Raider and trying to not die from my ongoing Defiance illness, and/or doing a review.

Jason Dunning – Sounder (@Jasonad21)

Due to some technical difficulties, I wasn’t able to start my review of Switch Galaxy on PS Mobile yet, so I’ll be checking that out this weekend. Depending on how long it takes to beat, expect to see a review up early to late next week.

Jesse Meikle – Grounder (@Jesse_WM)

I’m working all weekend, and won’t get a whole lot of gaming in. However, as a childhood fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, I’ve been embarrassingly absorbed in the recent PSN release, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Decade Duels Plus. So I imagine I’ll end up playing some of that when I get a chance.

Louis Edwards – Mounder (@ftwrthtx)

Another weekend, another couple days hanging around a hospital. Playing MLB 13 AS myself (but not with myself), I shall continue my Road to the Show and hope that the Blue Jays organization will find that my skills warrant a shot at the Major League level.

Sebastian Moss – Profounder (@SebMoss)

I just realized I haven’t finished Saints Row 3, so I’ll probably do that if I can find the disc. Either that, or I’ll play as Louis in MLB. Plus, I’d really love to experiment with drugs, so if anyone has any suggestions, please leave them in the comments.

Vivas Kaul – Confounder (@VivasKaul)

By the time this goes up, I’ll have probably beaten DmC on the normal difficulty. Which means I’ll probably be diving back into that on a harder difficulty mode. I then plan on playing some more Dead Space 3 this weekend to continue my Hardcore run and check out the DLC. I’m also working on a review for Runner2, but I have no idea how long that game is, so an ETA on a review isn’t too clear right now.

What are you getting up to this weekend? Let us know in the comments below.

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