Free PSP PlayStation Plus Titles for Vita “Aren’t Going Anywhere Anytime Soon”


Earlier today when we told you about the new games entering PlayStation Plus on Tuesday, they included Gods Eater Burst, a PSP title that is replacing Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny, also a PSP title.

In order to make sure that they aren’t disappointing PS+ subscribers by adding the occasional PSP game to the Instant Game Collection, Sony has been gauging user interest. The reaction to PSP games has been mixed, with Morgan Haro, Community Manager of PlayStation Digital Platforms, detailing on the PS Blog:

Yeah, the split on people wanting, or not wanting PSP in the IGC for PS Vita is actually fairly even. So for the time being, the PSP titles to the IGC aren’t going anywhere anytime soon just yet. But of course, we will continue to include PS Vita native titles as well for an even mix.

For those wondering, Morgan didn’t have an update on Orc Attack possibly being part of the July PlayStation Plus update, so we’ll just have to wait until he reveals the entire lineup, likely on July 1st.

Which PSP title would you like to see join the Instant Game Collection? Let us know in the comments below.

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