PS4 Mega Bundle With Killzone: Shadow Fall, 2 DualShock 4s & PlayStation Camera Confirmed for Europe

It’s been about a month since Amazon France first revealed a PS4 bundle with Killzone: Shadow Fall, two DualShock 4 controllers and a PlayStation Camera, with Fergal Gara, VP & Managing Director at SCE UK and Ireland, confirming to Eurogamer that it will be available in Europe for €499 – the same price as the Xbox One.

They haven’t quite nailed down how this PS4 “mega bundle” will compare to the Xbox One’s UK price of £429, but “it will be no more than a tenner either way depending on what conversation rate we use on the given day.” As well, the PS Blog confirmed that there will be another bundle with the PS4, Killzone: Shadow Fall and a DualShock 4 controller for €439 in Europe, though no UK price has been narrowed down yet.

Sony is expected to announce more bundle for Europe tomorrow, with retailers being told to notify customers of these bundles, as Gara added:

[The mega bundle] is in limited volume, and therefore it is probably going to go mainly to current pre-order customers, then follow-up volume may well be post-Christmas.

But there are other bundles that also represent incredibly good value. It’s not just about having a good base price. We want to offer value in every way we can.

Starting yesterday, our retail partners are contacting their pre-order customers in order, so starting with the first, working up to when they run out of that special bundle, saying, we now have clarity on exactly what PlayStation 4 bundles we have to offer for day one. Would you like option A, B, C or D?

Everybody who has pre-ordered in the expectation they’re getting just the PS4, including the DualShock 4 and the headset – the basic configuration. But as we’ve worked through the details and worked through the options we’ve come up with some great bundle offers. And it is only fair the first people in the queue get first chance to get that.

It’s a brilliant thing to do for the gamer. In theory there could be some free on day one, but I think it’s unlikely, because the people in that queue are going to say yes please.

We’ll let you know if any similar bundles are revealed for North America ahead of the November 15th launch date.

What other types of bundles do you think Sony has planned? Let us know in the comments below.


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